Yams have been a popular side dish for Thanksgiving for a long time.
Some yam dishes are made with marshmallows, some are just baked whole.
I have been cooking this dish for over 30 years and this dish is always requested during Thanksgiving meals.

Yams are Easy to make for Thanksgiving
Buy long and not very fat yams. Very difficult to cut the fat-large yams. Many different varieties are available. I use different kinds of Yams-white, pink, orange
Cut the yams and prepare for cooking
Peel th yams and remove the ends. Pu the yams in a bowl of water. Keeping in water keeps the yams from turning dark. Cut the yams in about 2 inch pieces.
Please make sure the yams are in water.
Cut these pieces in half-lengthwise. Slice these pieces in to the processor or slice them with a knife-the thickness should be less then 1/4 inch.
How to cook the yams
Put oil in a large baking pan or a large nonstick skillet. Heay. oil and add all the sl;ces of yams.Keep the skillet at low to medium heat. If you are baking in a pan-turn on the oven at 425 degrees and cook drained yams in the oven covered with foil.
If are using the Skillet, please add the yam pieces when the oil is hot-Make sure to drain them. Cook them covered for about 10 minutes. Gently turn the yams.
Add half of the sugar and cover and cook at low heat for about10 minutes. Please make sure to keep checking the pand and the skillet to make sure the yams do not burn.
If you like the crispy texture, please cook them at medium heat,
It may take a few minutes-depending on the yams.
Add the rest of the sugar and gently mix it with yams.
Sprinkle with Cinnamon just before serving. Take out the yams from the oven. If you are cooking in the skillet, please turn off the stove.
If you prefer a little sweeter, you can pour a teaspoon of Agave Nectar .
Serving warm is helpful. you can keep these cooked yams for about 3 days in the refrigerator.